Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is an iterative procedure which decomposes signal into a set of oscillatory components, called Intrisic Mode Functions (IMFs).

class PyEMD.EMD(spline_kind: str = 'cubic', nbsym: int = 2, **kwargs)[source]

Empirical Mode Decomposition

Method of decomposing signal into Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) based on algorithm presented in Huang et al. [Huang1998].

Algorithm was validated with Rilling et al. [Rilling2003] Matlab’s version from 3.2007.

Threshold which control the goodness of the decomposition:
  • std_thr — Test for the proto-IMF how variance changes between siftings.

  • svar_thr – Test for the proto-IMF how energy changes between siftings.

  • total_power_thr — Test for the whole decomp how much of energy is solved.

  • range_thr — Test for the whole decomp whether the difference is tiny.



N. E. Huang et al., “The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for non-linear and non stationary time series analysis”, Proc. Royal Soc. London A, Vol. 454, pp. 903-995, 1998


G. Rilling, P. Flandrin and P. Goncalves, “On Empirical Mode Decomposition and its algorithms”, IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing NSIP-03, Grado (I), June 2003


>>> import numpy as np
>>> T = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
>>> S = np.sin(2*2*np.pi*T)
>>> emd = EMD(extrema_detection='parabol')
>>> IMFs = emd.emd(S)
>>> IMFs.shape
(1, 100)
__call__(S: ndarray, T: ndarray | None = None, max_imf: int = -1) ndarray[source]

Call self as a function.

__init__(spline_kind: str = 'cubic', nbsym: int = 2, **kwargs)[source]

Initiate EMD instance.

Configuration, such as threshold values, can be passed as kwargs (keyword arguments).

FIXEint (default: 0)
FIXE_Hint (default: 0)
MAX_ITERATIONint (default 1000)

Maximum number of iterations per single sifting in EMD.

energy_ratio_thrfloat (default: 0.2)

Threshold value on energy ratio per IMF check.

std_thr float(default 0.2)

Threshold value on standard deviation per IMF check.

svar_thr float(default 0.001)

Threshold value on scaled variance per IMF check.

total_power_thrfloat (default 0.005)

Threshold value on total power per EMD decomposition.

range_thrfloat (default 0.001)

Threshold for amplitude range (after scaling) per EMD decomposition.

extrema_detectionstr (default ‘simple’)

Method used to finding extrema.

DTYPEnp.dtype (default np.float64)

Data type used.


>>> emd = EMD(std_thr=0.01, range_thr=0.05)

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

check_imf(imf_new: ndarray, imf_old: ndarray, eMax: ndarray, eMin: ndarray) bool[source]

Huang criteria for IMF (similar to Cauchy convergence test). Signal is an IMF if consecutive siftings do not affect signal in a significant manner.

emd(S: ndarray, T: ndarray | None = None, max_imf: int = -1) ndarray[source]

Performs Empirical Mode Decomposition on signal S. The decomposition is limited to max_imf imfs. Returns IMF functions and residue in a single numpy array format.

Snumpy array,

Input signal.

Tnumpy array, (default: None)

Position or time array. If None is passed or self.extrema_detection == “simple”, then numpy range is created.

max_imfint, (default: -1)

IMF number to which decomposition should be performed. Negative value means all.

IMFs and residuenumpy array

A numpy array which cointains both the IMFs and residual, if any, appended as the last slice.

end_condition(S: ndarray, IMF: ndarray) bool[source]

Tests for end condition of whole EMD. The procedure will stop if:

  • Absolute amplitude (max - min) is below range_thr threshold, or

  • Metric L1 (mean absolute difference) is below total_power_thr threshold.

Snumpy array

Original signal on which EMD was performed.

IMFnumpy 2D array

Set of IMFs where each row is IMF. Their order is not important.


Whether sifting is finished.

extract_max_min_spline(T: ndarray, S: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

Extracts top and bottom envelopes based on the signal, which are constructed based on maxima and minima, respectively.

Tnumpy array

Position or time array.

Snumpy array

Input data S(T).

max_splinenumpy array

Spline spanned on S maxima.

min_splinenumpy array

Spline spanned on S minima.

max_extremanumpy array

Points indicating local maxima.

min_extremanumpy array

Points indicating local minima.

find_extrema(T: ndarray, S: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

Returns extrema (minima and maxima) for given signal S. Detection and definition of the extrema depends on extrema_detection variable, set on initiation of EMD.

Tnumpy array

Position or time array.

Snumpy array

Input data S(T).

local_max_posnumpy array

Position of local maxima.

local_max_valnumpy array

Values of local maxima.

local_min_posnumpy array

Position of local minima.

local_min_valnumpy array

Values of local minima.

get_imfs_and_residue() Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Provides access to separated imfs and residue from recently analysed signal.


Obtained IMFs



get_imfs_and_trend() Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Provides access to separated imfs and trend from recently analysed signal. Note that this may differ from the get_imfs_and_residue as the trend isn’t necessarily the residue. Residue is a point-wise difference between input signal and all obtained components, whereas trend is the slowest component (can be zero).


Obtained IMFs


The main trend.

prepare_points(T: ndarray, S: ndarray, max_pos: ndarray, max_val: ndarray, min_pos: ndarray, min_val: ndarray)[source]

Performs extrapolation on edges by adding extra extrema, also known as mirroring signal. The number of added points depends on nbsym variable.

Tnumpy array

Position or time array.

Snumpy array

Input signal.


Sorted time positions of maxima.


Signal values at max_pos positions.


Sorted time positions of minima.


Signal values at min_pos positions.

max_extremanumpy array (2 rows)

Position (1st row) and values (2nd row) of minima.

min_extremanumpy array (2 rows)

Position (1st row) and values (2nd row) of maxima.

prepare_points_parabol(T, S, max_pos, max_val, min_pos, min_val) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Performs mirroring on signal which extrema do not necessarily belong on the position array.

See EMD.prepare_points().

prepare_points_simple(T: ndarray, S: ndarray, max_pos: ndarray, max_val: ndarray | None, min_pos: ndarray, min_val: ndarray | None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Performs mirroring on signal which extrema can be indexed on the position array.

See EMD.prepare_points().

spline_points(T: ndarray, extrema: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Constructs spline over given points.

Tnumpy array

Position or time array.

extremanumpy array

Position (1st row) and values (2nd row) of points.

Tnumpy array

Position array (same as input).

splinenumpy array

Spline array over given positions T.