Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is an iterative procedure which decomposes signal into a set of oscillatory components, called Intrisic Mode Functions (IMFs).
- class PyEMD.EMD(spline_kind: str = 'cubic', nbsym: int = 2, **kwargs)[source]
Empirical Mode Decomposition
Method of decomposing signal into Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) based on algorithm presented in Huang et al. [Huang1998].
Algorithm was validated with Rilling et al. [Rilling2003] Matlab’s version from 3.2007.
- Threshold which control the goodness of the decomposition:
std_thr — Test for the proto-IMF how variance changes between siftings.
svar_thr – Test for the proto-IMF how energy changes between siftings.
total_power_thr — Test for the whole decomp how much of energy is solved.
range_thr — Test for the whole decomp whether the difference is tiny.
[Huang1998]N. E. Huang et al., “The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for non-linear and non stationary time series analysis”, Proc. Royal Soc. London A, Vol. 454, pp. 903-995, 1998
[Rilling2003]G. Rilling, P. Flandrin and P. Goncalves, “On Empirical Mode Decomposition and its algorithms”, IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing NSIP-03, Grado (I), June 2003
>>> import numpy as np >>> T = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) >>> S = np.sin(2*2*np.pi*T) >>> emd = EMD(extrema_detection='parabol') >>> IMFs = emd.emd(S) >>> IMFs.shape (1, 100)
- __call__(S: ndarray, T: ndarray | None = None, max_imf: int = -1) ndarray [source]
Call self as a function.
- __init__(spline_kind: str = 'cubic', nbsym: int = 2, **kwargs)[source]
Initiate EMD instance.
Configuration, such as threshold values, can be passed as kwargs (keyword arguments).
- Parameters:
- FIXEint (default: 0)
- FIXE_Hint (default: 0)
- MAX_ITERATIONint (default 1000)
Maximum number of iterations per single sifting in EMD.
- energy_ratio_thrfloat (default: 0.2)
Threshold value on energy ratio per IMF check.
- std_thr float(default 0.2)
Threshold value on standard deviation per IMF check.
- svar_thr float(default 0.001)
Threshold value on scaled variance per IMF check.
- total_power_thrfloat (default 0.005)
Threshold value on total power per EMD decomposition.
- range_thrfloat (default 0.001)
Threshold for amplitude range (after scaling) per EMD decomposition.
- extrema_detectionstr (default ‘simple’)
Method used to finding extrema.
- DTYPEnp.dtype (default np.float64)
Data type used.
>>> emd = EMD(std_thr=0.01, range_thr=0.05)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- check_imf(imf_new: ndarray, imf_old: ndarray, eMax: ndarray, eMin: ndarray) bool [source]
Huang criteria for IMF (similar to Cauchy convergence test). Signal is an IMF if consecutive siftings do not affect signal in a significant manner.
- emd(S: ndarray, T: ndarray | None = None, max_imf: int = -1) ndarray [source]
Performs Empirical Mode Decomposition on signal S. The decomposition is limited to max_imf imfs. Returns IMF functions and residue in a single numpy array format.
- Parameters:
- Snumpy array,
Input signal.
- Tnumpy array, (default: None)
Position or time array. If None is passed or self.extrema_detection == “simple”, then numpy range is created.
- max_imfint, (default: -1)
IMF number to which decomposition should be performed. Negative value means all.
- Returns:
- IMFs and residuenumpy array
A numpy array which cointains both the IMFs and residual, if any, appended as the last slice.
- end_condition(S: ndarray, IMF: ndarray) bool [source]
Tests for end condition of whole EMD. The procedure will stop if:
Absolute amplitude (max - min) is below range_thr threshold, or
Metric L1 (mean absolute difference) is below total_power_thr threshold.
- Parameters:
- Snumpy array
Original signal on which EMD was performed.
- IMFnumpy 2D array
Set of IMFs where each row is IMF. Their order is not important.
- Returns:
- endbool
Whether sifting is finished.
- extract_max_min_spline(T: ndarray, S: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Extracts top and bottom envelopes based on the signal, which are constructed based on maxima and minima, respectively.
- Parameters:
- Tnumpy array
Position or time array.
- Snumpy array
Input data S(T).
- Returns:
- max_splinenumpy array
Spline spanned on S maxima.
- min_splinenumpy array
Spline spanned on S minima.
- max_extremanumpy array
Points indicating local maxima.
- min_extremanumpy array
Points indicating local minima.
- find_extrema(T: ndarray, S: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Returns extrema (minima and maxima) for given signal S. Detection and definition of the extrema depends on
variable, set on initiation of EMD.- Parameters:
- Tnumpy array
Position or time array.
- Snumpy array
Input data S(T).
- Returns:
- local_max_posnumpy array
Position of local maxima.
- local_max_valnumpy array
Values of local maxima.
- local_min_posnumpy array
Position of local minima.
- local_min_valnumpy array
Values of local minima.
- get_imfs_and_residue() Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Provides access to separated imfs and residue from recently analysed signal.
- Returns:
- imfsnp.ndarray
Obtained IMFs
- residuenp.ndarray
- get_imfs_and_trend() Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Provides access to separated imfs and trend from recently analysed signal. Note that this may differ from the get_imfs_and_residue as the trend isn’t necessarily the residue. Residue is a point-wise difference between input signal and all obtained components, whereas trend is the slowest component (can be zero).
- Returns:
- imfsnp.ndarray
Obtained IMFs
- trendnp.ndarray
The main trend.
- prepare_points(T: ndarray, S: ndarray, max_pos: ndarray, max_val: ndarray, min_pos: ndarray, min_val: ndarray)[source]
Performs extrapolation on edges by adding extra extrema, also known as mirroring signal. The number of added points depends on nbsym variable.
- Parameters:
- Tnumpy array
Position or time array.
- Snumpy array
Input signal.
- max_positerable
Sorted time positions of maxima.
- max_valiterable
Signal values at max_pos positions.
- min_positerable
Sorted time positions of minima.
- min_valiterable
Signal values at min_pos positions.
- Returns:
- max_extremanumpy array (2 rows)
Position (1st row) and values (2nd row) of minima.
- min_extremanumpy array (2 rows)
Position (1st row) and values (2nd row) of maxima.
- prepare_points_parabol(T, S, max_pos, max_val, min_pos, min_val) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Performs mirroring on signal which extrema do not necessarily belong on the position array.
- prepare_points_simple(T: ndarray, S: ndarray, max_pos: ndarray, max_val: ndarray | None, min_pos: ndarray, min_val: ndarray | None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Performs mirroring on signal which extrema can be indexed on the position array.
- spline_points(T: ndarray, extrema: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Constructs spline over given points.
- Parameters:
- Tnumpy array
Position or time array.
- extremanumpy array
Position (1st row) and values (2nd row) of points.
- Returns:
- Tnumpy array
Position array (same as input).
- splinenumpy array
Spline array over given positions T.